Article 7.Z.3. 第7.Z.3条
1.Behaviour 行動
a) Dust bathing 砂浴び
The presence of complete dustbathing bouts may indicate a positive state of welfare [Widowski and Duncan, 2000].
日本語訳:完全な砂浴び工程の存在は、ウェルフェアのポジティブな状態を示す場合がある。[Widowski and Duncan, 2000].
Widowski TM and Duncan IJH. 2000. Working for a dustbath: are hens increasing pleasure rather than reducing
suffering? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 68(1):39-53.
e) Injurious feather pecking and cannibalism有害な羽つつき及び共食い
The provision of an enriched environment and loose foraging material, particularly in the pullet rearing system,
can help prevent the development of feather pecking.
Johnsen PF, Vestergaard KS, Nørgaard-Nielsen G. 1998. Influence of early rearing conditions on the development of feather pecking and cannibalism
in domestic fowl. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 60:25-41.
Tahamtani,FM, M. Brantsæter, J. Nordgreen, E. Sandberg, T. B. Hansen, A. Nødtvedt, T. B. Rodenburg, R. O.
Moe, and A. M. Janczak. 2016. Effects of litter provision during early rearing and environmental enrichment
during the production phase on feather pecking and feather damage in laying hens. Poultry Science 95(12):2747-2756.
Huber-Eicher B and Sebö F. 2001. Reducing feather pecking when raising laying hen chicks in aviary systems.
Applied animal behaviour science 73(1):59-68.
Huber-Eicher, B and Wechsler B (1998). The effect of quality and availability of foraging materials on feather pecking in
laying hens. Animal Behaviour 55(4): 861.
F) Locomotion and comfort behaviours 運動及び快適な行動
Locomotion and comfort behaviours are important for body and plumage maintenance, and may include
preening, walking, leaping, turning, stretching legs and wings, wing flapping, feather ruffling and tail wagging
[Dawkins and Hardie, 2007].
Locomotion exercises the skeletal system and is important for physical fitness
[Shipov et al., 2010; Knowles and Broom, 1990].
日本語訳:運動及び快適な行動は、体及び羽の発展及び維持に重要であり、羽づくろい、歩く、跳ねる、回転する、肢や翼を広げる、羽ばたく、羽を逆立てる、尾を振る等がある[Dawkins and Hardie, 2007]。~中略~
運動は骨格器官を鍛え、体力維持にとって重要である [Shipov et al., 2010; Knowles and Broom, 1990]。
Shipov A, Sharir A, Zelzer E, Milgram J, Monsonego-Ornan E, and Shahar R. 2010. The influence of severe prolonged exercise restriction on the mechanical and
structural properties of bone in an avian model. The Veterinary Journal 183:153-60.
Knowles TG and Broom DM. 1990. Limb bone strength and movement in laying hens from different housing
systems. Veterinary Record 126(15):354-6.
Norgaard-Nielsen G. 1990. Bone strength of laying hens kept in an alternative system, compared with hens in cages and
on deep-litter. British Poultry Science 31(1):81-9.
3. Eye conditions 目の状態
Conjunctivitis can indicate disease or the presence of irritants such as dust and ammonia. High ammonia levels
can also cause corneal burns and eventual blindness. Abnormal eye development can be associated with low
light intensity [Jenkins et al., 1979; Lewis and Gous, 2009; Prescott et al., 2003]
4. Foot problems 肢の異常
Hyperkeratosis, and bumblefoot are painful conditions associated with inappropriate flooring
[Lay et al., 2001; Abrahamsson and Tauson, 1995; Abrahamsson and Tauson, 1997). Excessive claw growth,
broken claws and toe injuries can also be caused by wire flooring and affect locomotion and may be associated with pain [EFSA, 2005].
日本語訳:~略~過剰な爪の発育、壊れた爪及びつま先の損傷は、ワイヤーの床によってもまた引き起こされ、また運動に影響し、痛みを伴う場合がある [EFSA, 2005]。
Tauson. R. (1986). Avoiding excessive growth of claws in caged laying hens. Acta
Agric. Scand. 36:95-106.
Article 7.Z.9. 第7.Z.9条
Flooring 床
The flooring for the birds should be easy to clean and disinfect and not cause harm or damage to them.
Wire flooring should not be used to prevent excessive claw growth, broken claws and toe injuries.
The provision of loose and dry litter material is desirable to encourage dust bathing and foraging by pullets
and hens. When lLitter is provided it should be provided and managed to minimise any detrimental effects on welfare and health.
Tauson. R. (1986). Avoiding excessive growth of claws in caged laying hens. Acta
Agric. Scand. 36:95-106.
Council Directive 1999/74/EC of 19 July 1999 laying down minimum standards for the protection of laying hens.
Dust bathing areas 砂浴びの区域
When dDust bathing substrate should be areas are offered,. Dustbathing areasthey should provide suitable
friable materials, and be designed and positioned to encourage dust bathing, allow synchronised behaviour,
prevent undue competition and not cause damage or injuries. Dust bathing areas should be easy to inspect
and clean [Lentfer et al., 2011].
Widowski TM and Duncan IJH. 2000. Working for a dustbath: are hens increasing pleasure rather than reducing
suffering? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 68(1):39-53.
Article 7.Z.11. 第7.Z.11条
Foraging areas ついばみの区域
When fForaging areas should be provided. are offered, Tthey should provide suitable materials, designed and
positioned to encourage foraging, allow synchronised behaviour, prevent undue competition and not cause
damage or injuries. Foraging areas should be easy to inspect and clean.
Gunnarsson S, Matthews L.R, Foster T.M, and Temple W. 2000. The demand for straw and feathers as litter
substrates by laying hens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 65:321-330.
Aerni, V. El-Lethey, H. & Wechsler, B. (2000). Effect of foraging material and food form on feather pecking in laying hens.
British Poultry Science 41(1).
Huber-Eicher, B and Wechsler B (1998). The effect of quality and availability of foraging materials on feather pecking
in laying hens. Animal Behaviour 55(4): 861.
De Jong, I and Wothuis-Fillerup, M. (2007). Strength of preference for dustbathing and foraging substrates in laying hens.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 104(1): 24.
Tested preferences for foraging and dustbathing material. Might be useful since the control was a wire floor,
Dawkins MS. 1989. Time budgets in Red Junglefowl as a baseline for the assessment of welfare in domestic
fowl. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 24:77-80.
Article 7.Z.12. 第7.Z.12条
Nesting areas 巣作りの区域
When Nnesting areas should be provided.are offered, Tthey should be built of suitable materials, designed and
positioned to encourage nesting, and presented in sufficient quantities to prevent undue competition,
and not cause damage or injuries. Nesting areas should be easy to inspect, clean and disinfect.
Follensbee ME, Duncan IJH, and Widowski TM. 1992. Quantifying nesting motivation of domestic hens.
Journal of Animal Science 70(Suppl.1):164.
Cooper JJ and Appleby MC. 2003. The value of environmental resources to domestic hens:
a comparison of the work-rate for food and for nests as a function of time. Animal Welfare 12(1):39-52.
Duncan IJH. 1970. Frustration in the fowl. In: Freeman BM and Gordon RF (eds.), Aspects of Poultry Behaviour
(Edinburgh, Scotland: British Poultry Science Ltd, pp. 15-31).
Baxter M. 1994. The welfare problems of laying hens in battery cages. The Veterinary Record 134(24):614-9.Wood-Gush DGM. 1972. Strain differences in response to sub-optimal stimuli in the fowl. Animal Behaviour 20(1):72-6.
Yue S and Duncan IJ. 2003. Frustrated nesting behaviour: relation to extra-cuticular shell calcium and bone strength in White Leghorn hens. British Poultry Science 44(2):175-81.
Wood-Gush DG and Gilbert AB. 1973. Some hormones involved in the nesting behaviour of hens. Animal Behaviour 21(1):98-103.
Duncan IJ. 1998. Behavior and behavioral needs. Poultry Science 77(12):1766-72.
Freire R, Appleby MC and Hughes BO. 1996. Effects of nest quality and other cues for exploration on pre-laying behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 48:37-46.
Meijsser FM and Hughes BO. 1989. Comparative analysis of pre-laying behaviour in battery cages and in three alternative systems. British Poultry Science 30:747-760.
Article 7.Z.13. 第7.Z.13条
Perches 止まり木
WhenElevated perches should be providedare offered, with space for all hens to roost synchronously. There
should be enough space above the head that hens can stand upright on the perch. Tthey should be
easily accessible, built of suitable materials, designed and positioned to encourage perching, to prevent keel
bone deformation or foot problems and to maintain stability of the birds during perching. In the absence of
designated perches, platforms, grids and slats that are perceived by the birds as elevated and that do not
cause damage or injuries, may be a suitable alternative. Perches or their alternatives should be easy to clean
and disinfect [Hester, 2014; EFSA, 2015].
Blokhuis HJ. 1984. Rest in poultry. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 12:289-303.
Schrader L and Müller B. 2009. Night-time roosting in the domestic fowl: The height matters. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 121:179–183.
Appleby MC and Duncan IJH. 1989. Development of perching in hens. Biology of Behaviour 14:157-168.
Olsson IAS and Keeling LJ. 2000. Night-time roosting in laying hens and the effect of thwarting access to perches. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 68:243-256.
Struelens E and Tuyttens FAM. 2009. Effects of perch design on behaviour and health of laying hens. Animal Welfare 18:533-538.
Wilson S, Hughes BO, Appleby MC, and Smith SF. 1993. Effects of perches on trabecular bone volume in laying hens.
Research in Veterinary Science 54(2):207.
Baxter M. 1994. The welfare problems of laying hens in battery cages. The Veterinary Record 134(24):614-619.
Wechsler B and Huber-Eicher B. 1998. The effect of foraging material and perch height on feather pecking and feather damage in
laying hens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 58:131–141.
Article 7.Z.17. 第7.Z.17条
Lighting 照明
There should also be an adequate period of light and darkness during each 24-hour cycle to allow the birds to rest, to reduce stress and to promote circadian rhythms [Malleau et al., 2007].
日本語訳:各24時間サイクルの間に、鳥が休息することを可能にし、ストレスを低減し、およびサーカディアンリズムを促すために、適切な明期と1日のうち3分の1は継続的な暗期を設けられるものとする。[Malleau et al., 2007].
Prescott, N.B., JArvis, J.R. and Wathes, C.M. (2004) Vision in the laying hen, In Perry, G.C. (Ed):
Welfare of the Laying Hen, CAB International, London, UK pp155‐164
Li, T., Troilo, D., Glasser, A. and Howland, H.C.(1999) Constant light produces severe corneal flattening and hyperopia in chickens, Vision Research, 35: 1203‐1209
Campo, J.L. and Davila, S.G. (2002) Effect of photoperiod on heterophil to lymphocyte ratio and tonic immobility
duration of chickens, Poultry Science, 81: 1637‐1639
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (2016) RSPCA Welfare Standards for Laying Hens: Horsham, UK
KAT (2013) KAT Guide for Laying Farms: Bonn, Germany
Article 7.Z.19. 第7.Z.19条
Prevention and control of injurious feather pecking and cannibalism 有害な羽つつき及び共食いの予防及び管理
‒ choosing a suitable genetic strain [Craig and Muir, 1996; Kjaer and Hocking, 2004],
– providing outdoor access that encourages ranging behavior,
– Dark brooders
– 適切な遺伝的系統の選択
– 恐怖に関連した刺激の低減
– 遊動行動を促進する屋外へのアクセス
– 雄鶏の導入
- 暗所に保育箱を設置
Nicol CJ, Potzsch C, Lewis K and Green LE. 2003. Matched concurrent case-control study of risk factors for feather pecking in hens on free-range commercial farms in the UK. British Poultry Science Volume 44(4):515–523.
Nicol C.J. et al (2013) The prevention and control of feather pecking: application to commercial systems.
World’s Poultry Science Journal 69: 775 – 788
Poultry Science, Vol. 94: 1454 – 1469.
Article 7.Z.21. 第7.Z.21条
Painful interventions 痛みを伴う処置
Painful interventions, such as beak trimming, should not be practised unless absolutely necessary and pain
mitigation interventions should be used. Other mutilations (e.g. dubbing and toe trimming) should not be
performed in pullets and hens. Pain-free alternatives are preferred. If preventive beak trimming is required, it should be carried out by trained
and skilled personnel at the earliest age possible and care should be taken to remove only the curved
beak tip the minimum amount of beak necessary using a method, which minimises pain and controls bleeding.
Current methods include infrared treatment or hot blade cutting. [Gentle et al, 1991; Marchand-Forde et al, 2008; Marchand-Forde et al 2010; McKeegan and Philbey, 2012; Freire et al, 2011; Glatz et al, 1998];
Beak trimming at a mature age can cause chronic pain. If therapeutic beak trimming is required,
at whatever age, it should be carried out by trained and skilled personnel and care should be taken to
remove the minimum amount of beak necessary using a method which minimises pain and controls bleeding.
Dennis RL and Cheng HW. 2010. A comparison of infrared and hot blade beak trimming in laying hens.
International Journal of Poultry Science 9 (8):716-719.
Article 7.Z.25. 第7.Z.25条
Depopulation of pullet and layer facilities 若雌鶏及び採卵鶏施設における間引き
Birds should be handled and placed into the transport container according to Article 7.Z.14. Birds should not be
picked up by their neck or wings
解説:OIE第 7.10 章. アニマルウェルフェアと肉用鶏生産システムや、第7.3 章. アニマルウェルフェアと陸路による動物の輸送、第7.5章動物のと殺のコードに合わせ、鳥の取り扱いにおいて首または翼を持って取り上げてはならないことを明記する必要がある。
第7.10章. アニマルウェルフェアと肉用鶏生産システム:「肉用鶏の首または翼をもって取り上げてはならない。」
第7.3 章. アニマルウェルフェアと陸路による動物の輸送のコード・第7.5 章. アニマルウェルフェアと動物のと殺のコード:「羊毛、体毛、羽毛、足部、首、耳、尻尾、頭、角、肢の1箇所だけで動物をつかまえたり持ち上げたりするのは、痛みや苦しみの原因となり、そうしなければ動物の福祉や人間の安全が損なわれるような緊急時を除き、許されないものとする」
Catching should be scheduled to minimise the transport time as well as climatic stress during catching,
transport and holding. Holding time during lairage or slaughterhouse should be limited to no more than 2 hours.
解説:世界のいくつかの地域では、飼育中の雌鳥は午後に輸送され、捕食動物にさらされる可能性のある状況で、一晩中小さな容器で放置される。 これを防止するために、と畜前に保管場所に鳥を保管する最大限の時間を指定する必要がある。
鳥がと畜される前により長く輸送され、保持されると、鳥の死亡率が高くなる。 鳥の死は多因子であるが、トラウマ(捕鳥による損傷)、熱ストレス、及びウイルス等への暴露によって引き起こされる可能性がある。
M.A. Mitchell and P.J. Kettlewell. 2009. Welfare of poultry during transport – a review. Poultry Welfare Symposium Cervia, Italy, 18-22 May.
Knowles TG. 1994. Handling and transport of spent hens. World’s Poultry Science Journal 50(1):60-1.
Newberry RC, Webster AB, Lewis NJ, and Van Arnam C. 1999. Management of spent hens.
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 2(1):13-29.
PEACE 命の搾取ではなく尊厳を
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