Animal Welfare Award (AWA)2023 Announced!
*April 2022 – March 2023
Co-op Shizenha has frequently communicated its gestation stall-free program to its members and the public through dedicated flyers, articles, catalogs, etc. In fact, most of the pork they procure is are gestation stall-free, and they have been working with the producer Shichisei Foods Corporation to convert them to freestalls.
First of all, we are very pleased to be able to present the Fish Prize for the first time.
In FY2022, we really engaged in a dialogue with many companies. While this engagement may not lead to immediate results, the seeds of animal welfare are beginning to grow in many of the companies we have interacted with.
Among those that did not win awards, some of the large companies’ initiatives were on the chopping block for consideration, such as McDonald’s Japan’s inclusion of chicken in its integrated report, Toridoll Holdings’ policy on pig gestation stalls, and Kewpie’s launch of HOBOTAMA on the market. However, we do not believe that there were many examples in FY2022 that had impact and could be commended. This is because companies did not disclose information, even though they were promoting the project privately.
Companies need to transform animal welfare into corporate value and prepare for the investment that will come one day. In addition, animal welfare is becoming an increasingly important part of the ESG investment agenda. Under such circumstances, Japanese companies without visible policies, goals, and initiatives will always be rated low. Whether it is 1% or 10%, the effort will be evaluated by understanding the current status and disclosing it to the public. In fact, they must be aware that announcing when they have reached 100% does not create any value for either the company or society. Public disclosure of the current status, goals, and the process toward them is the key to solving social issues.
We hope that in FY2023, we will be able to see what companies are doing.
Finally, we would like to thank all the companies that have considered and acted to raise animal welfare.
Please note that we will contact the winning companies again to thank them for commitment to animal welfare.
茨城県畜産センターは、牛の虐待事件が告発されて以降、改善に取り組んでいると発表しています。これが本格的なアニマルウェルフェアの導入につながるのか、それとも告発されているがゆえのポーズだけで終わるのかはみんなで見守っていく […]